Dundee - As the City Sleeps

Dundee - As the City Sleeps

I've spent the last four or five years in and around Dundee living in a few different areas and whilst studying at DjCAD. The city gets a bad name by some people, being as famous for Grand Theft Auto as it is for sky high teen pregnancy rates.. but for anyone who has lived there knows that it has a charm to it like a mini Glasgow. In a good way.

Its a small city, but it has a strong arts community. DjCAD is well known for turning out some of the most creative artists in the UK, and the technology link up that Abertay and DjCAD have has spawned numerous tech startups and games. GTA, Lemmings.. and the mighty Minecraft all came out of the city.

I am coming to the end of my time here now, as all the connections i have are slowly moving on. So i wanted to take the opportunity to try and capture some of the city before i left. Shooting timelapses in and around the Dundee area gives me a opportunity to sit back and watch the world go by, and record some nice images to take away with me.

My goal is to deliver the best creative imagery and video content possible. Based in the Highlands of Scotland photography, film and image making have been a large part of my life for the last 15 years. It gives me a reason to travel, a opportunity for adventure and way of cataloging life as it passes us by.